Soil Testing

Soils are complex terrestrial ecosystems that are host to a variety of interactions between physical, geochemical and biological processes.

Analysis of soil for agriculture

Good quality soil is essential for high yield, and sufficient production of crops to sustain the entire society. Continuous mismanagement and exploitation due to lack of knowledge, led to poor soil fertility. It is now clear that core of the problem is in the chemical composition of the soil.

Analysis of soil for agriculture is crucial for increasing agricultural production. Regular testing of soil quality is the only way to know how best the soil is. We provide chemical analysis of soil to interpret the nutrient levels, so that one can improve its fertility.

S.No Parameters
1 pH
2 Nitrogen
3 Phosphate
4 Potassium
5 Calcium
6 Magnesium
7 Iron
8 Organic matter
9 Organic carbon
10 Conductivity
11 Moisture
12 Porosity
13 Texture

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